New Beginnings

It has been a seriously rough 2022 so far, but I hope that things are starting to head in a more positive direction.

Touchstones started as a partnership, a way of creating and making together, a way of encouraging each other with things that brought us joy, as Scott battled with mental health issues over the last 4-5 years. However this year, half the partnership decided to go in search of their ‘best authentic’ self (which is apparently incompatible with being a husband and father …) So it’s just me and the kids now, and it’s taken a bit of time to sort things out, the admin, finances, work and not to mention emotional toll of it all. But we are starting to find a place of calm, equilibrium, and the dust is starting to settle.

I created this space as a place of sharing joy, creativity and creative flow. And it is during the hard times that I find I need that the most - to look for the light. This time in my life is no exception. There is a beautiful flow that you enter into when it comes to making something: whether it be ceramics, photography and art - and I hope to be able to share a little of the light that I glimpse as I make and create. I know you will miss the lovely work that Scott brought to Touchstones (I will too) but I look forward to seeing where my new journey will take me, and potentially introducing you to the creative legacy that flows through the next generation as well.